09 October 2009

After today's session at The Junction, I thought it would be good to have a back up plan which will help considerably if anything goes wrong. The junction is only available 12 - 5 thursday the 15th and thursday the 22nd - which is quite a big problem. The main singer in the band works every day until 4 - meaning we would only have potentially half an hour to shoot anything, even with transport and set up time.

Before now I thought the junction would be available until atleast 6 and have only recieved the information today that they are only available until 5. After a talk with a few leading people (Simon etc) there may be a possibility to use another room but if not then they will try and see what they can do.

The only possible back up plan that would be effective would be to use another venue. I'm afraid using another main singer would be virtually impossible as I do not know anyone that would be willing to help at this short notice and to learn the song, lyrics and listen to all my ideas, to be done on thursday. I also do not know anyone at all that could fill in and have always from the start of the music video had the singer (Subash) in mind, as he is the only person we know willing enough to do something like this, and do not know anyone at all else willing to stand in and do it.

Therefore, there is another possible venue that we could use as I have explained previously, there will be Tara's old secondary school, Manor Community College, which have a stage and lighting which would be great for what we need. The stage is mainly used for in the hall, but this doesn't matter, Subash has also performed on the stage before so he would perhaps feel more comfortable here if we need to use this venue. I will need to contact the school A.S.A.P to ask and let them know my ideas, but I'm sure they would be willing at least one night to let us film there, as not many people use the hall after school hours.

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